Instructions for Authors
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers, either to the General Tracks, to the Workshops/Sessions or Short Papers. The papers are categorized as follows:
- General Tracks/Theme Papers: 10 to 16 pages formatted according to LNCS rules. After the reviewing process, the accepted papers will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) volumes. General Tracks papers and papers belonging to Workshops which required LNCS ad editor will be included in LNCS proceedings.
- Workshop/Session Papers: 6 to 11 pages formatted according to CPS rules. After the reviewing process, the accepted papers of the Workshops which required the Conference Publishing Services (CPS) as editor will be included in the CPS proceedings.
- PHD Showcase Papers: 5 to 8 pages formatted according to CPS rules. After the reviewing process, the accepted PHD Showcase papers, reporting ongoing research already achieving significant results and primarily carried out by Ph.D. students and junior researchers, will be published by the Conference Publishing Services (CPS).
- Short Papers: 7 to 9 pages formatted according to LNCS rules. After the reviewing process, the accepted Short papers, reporting preliminary results of ongoing research, will be published on Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) volumes.
All papers submitted to the General Tracks of ICCSA 2020 will be published in LNCS.
Each paper must be original and unpublished work, not submitted for publication elsewhere (copyright problems fall entirely under responsibility of the authors).
Each paper will be reviewed by at least three experts in the relevant field ensuring the publication of only top quality contributions.
Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors should register and present orally the paper in the conference. Failure to do so shall lead to rejection of the application to attend next year conference and the exclusion of the paper for the current year proceedings.
Paper Submission
The submission of contributions to ICCSA 2020 follows the following steps:
The author has to login into the Electronic Submission System, available at the URL: If the author is using the system for the first time, she/he has to Register. If the author had already used the system in previous editions of the ICCSA Conference, she/he has to register to the system. since this year we decided to refresh the author's information. At the end of the authentication phase the author's home page will be shown, with a summary of the abstracts and papers submitted by the author.
Two step submission
Each submission to ICCSA 2020 starts submitting an Abstract (1st phase). This phase is facilitated because the author's information are collected during the Registration phase to the Electronic Submission Site. If the author intends to submit the paper to a Workshop (see she/he has to pay attention to select the proper Workshop from the list shown in the Abstract submission form. It is recommended to submit the Abstract early in advance, to facilitate the Conference organization.
When preparing the Full Paper the author has to carefully check the adopted layout, i.e.:
- LNCS format for General Tracks Papers and for Workshops which selected the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Proceedings.
- Conference Publishing Services (CPS) format for the Workshops which selected CPS (XPlore) Proceedings and for PhD Showcase Papers.
Then the author has to submit the Full Paper (phase 2) in PDF format. The paper details are kept from the Abstract, so this process is quite easy and fast.
The submitted Paper will be submitted to the reviewing process.
The author is allowed to update the version of her/his Paper before the submission deadline.
Camera Ready submission
After receiving the notification of acceptance, the authors of accepted Papers will be asked to modify their Paper according to the Reviewers recommendations and to submit the Camera Ready version of their paper and all source files necessary to produce the final version by the Editor and sign the Copyright Transfer Form (phase 3).
The procedure will depend on the type of Editor (LNCS or CPS): :
- For papers to be published in LNCS (General Tracks Papers and Workshop Papers (wich selected LNCS) and Short Papers: the authors have to upload in the Electronic Submission System the Camera Ready version of the accepted paper, the related source files and the signed Copyright Transfer form.
- For papers to be published by Conference Publishing Services (CPS) (CPS Full Papers and PHD Showcase Papers): the authors have to upload the source files and fill the Copyright Transfer Form online on the Author's Kit Web page, which URL was also provided in the Acceptance Notification letter or published on
Conference Publishing Services (CPS)
Your final papers MUST be formatted to the Proceedings Manuscript Formatting Guidelines (see link to "formatting instructions" below). It is highly recommended that you proofread and check the layout of your paper BEFORE submitting it to PDF eXpress™.
LaTex Formatting Macros
Submitted papers not conforming to the above layouts will be excluded from the Review phase.
Conference Registration
Since the publication of the Papers in the Proceedings is subject to the Conference Registration and payment of the fee, all authors are kindly request to Register to the Conference before the deadline, in order to facilitate a smooth Proceedings preparation process.
To register and pay the related fee, click on the link on top of the Home Page on
We recommend to pay the fee by Credit Card, which is the fastest and more reliable payment channel.